Yang Qing
Yang Qing is a guqin player, music educator, vice chairman of the Guqin Committee of the China Nationalities Orchestra Society, chairman of the Beijing Guqin Academic Committee, and chairman of the Beijing Guqin Culture Research Institute.
Yang Hongnian
Yang Hongnian (1934–2020) is a conductor, music educator, lifelong member of the Academic Committee of the Central Conservatory of Music, and professor of the Department of Conducting of the Central Conservatory of Music.
Ye Xiaogang
Ye Xiaogang is regarded as one of the most influential contemporary Chinese composers. Ye is currently a member of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, chairman of the Chinese Musicians' Association, vice chairman of the International Music Council, and head of the ISCM Beijing Modern Music Festival Section.
Yin Jianling
Yin Jianling is a best-selling author of books for children and young adults. She is a member of the Shanghai Writers Association and chief editor of Xinmin Evening News (a Shanghai newspaper).
Yunte Huang
He is a professor of English at University of California, Santa Barbara, one of the judges of National Book Award in 2011, a finalist of American McCarthy Award, a consultant of editorial board of American World Literature Today and another Chinese winner (2014-2015) of American Guggenheim Award after Bei Dao.