At the Central People’s Congress Work Conference, General Secretary Xi gave an important speech, providing profound answers to a number of major theoretical and practical issues concerning the development of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics and the preservation and improvement of the people’s congress system in the new era. It raised the Communist Party of China’s understanding of the underlying laws of socialist democracy development to a new level, and offered fundamental guidance for strengthening and improving the work related to people’s congress in the new era. Beijing Municipal People’s Congress System Theory Research Association invited a group of scholars with rich experience and sound theoretical basis to discuss theories about the people’s congress system and the work related to people’s congress. A total of 33 research articles of these scholars are included in this two-volume book. Volume I (including 14 articles) is entitled People’s Congress System: A Guarantee for the People’s Running of the Country; and Volume II (including 19 articles) is entitled High-quality Development of Local People’s Congresses in the New Era. These articles expound on the people’s congress system and whole-process people’s democracy from different perspectives.