History of Marriage in China was published by the Commercial Press as early as China’s Republican Era. Both sociologists and jurists attach importance to the topic of marriage, which is not only a social phenomenon, but also a legal one. Combining both of the perspectives, the book is a pioneering work in the field of modern Chinese marriage history. Mr. Chen Guiuan, the author of the book, had been involved in many fields of law, political science, and history. He wrote this book besides working as a teacher and a legislative worker. History of Marriage in China (Commercial Press, 1936) had a significant impact on the academic and educational circles in Taiwan region during China’s Republican Era and post-1950s era. It was translated into Japanese, and then was published by the Yamamoto Bookstore in 1940. It is the first book on the legal history by a Chinese scholar to be translated into Japanese and spread in Japan, and is highly valued by Japanese scholars.