Beijing Central Press Union Technology Co., Ltd.(BCPU) was established in 1997. The company has 14 shareholders including:China Publishing Group Corporation, Shanghai Oriental Press Center, ChinaPrinting Corporation, People's Music Publishing House, SDX Joint PublishingCompany, People's Fine Arts Publishing House, Encyclopedia of China PublishingHouse, Xinhua Bookstore Head Office, etc. The registered capital is 76,583,143RMB yuan. It is a high-tech company in accordance with modern enterprise systembeing an R&D based manufacturing platform under the prestigious ChinaPublishing Group.
The company islocated in Beijing Shijingshan District, Zhongguancun Science Zone, BadachuHi-Tech Park, covering an area of more than 10,000 square meters. The companymainly engaged in research and development, production and sales of compactoptical Discs.
Enterprise operationprinciple: Good quality, favorable term, fast delivery and respect ofcopyright.
Company’sScope of Operations
BCPU is the largest compactdisc manufacture in Chinawhich with the best complete services. It has the most advanced CD/DVDmastering line making more than 15000 stampers per year. The modern replicationlines with eighteen mould machines can make CD、VCD、CD-ROM、CVD、SVCD、CD-CARD、80MM-CD、DVD-5、DVD-9, DVD-10 and etc. The production capacity is more than 150 milliondiscs per year. The three-color screen printing machine, the five-color screenprinting machine and offset printing machine offer the bright-colored andelegant printed discs. Our company has the professional advanced optical discquality control and inspection equipment assuring customers of the high qualityoptical discs.
We also provide diskencryption services to ensure the copyright for the customers.
The company’s packingdepartment offers all kinds of packing services, such as CD box, PP box,cardboard, etc.
Our company also offers audio and video compressionservices in various formats such as CD, VCD, SVDC, DVD and so on.
Major Products Introduction
Diameter: 120 mm; Center hole: 15.0-15.1 mm; Capacity: 650 M.
1) Audio CD: audio read-only CD;
2) Video CD: video read-only CD,elapse time: <74 min, resolution: 352*288, video standard: MPEG1 CBR;
3) Super Video CD: video read-onlyCD, higher resolution than VCD, sharp image. elapse time: about 40 min,resolution: 480*576, video standard: MPEG2 VBR;
4) CD-ROM: digital audio, videoread-only CD.
Diameter: 120 mm;Center hole: 15.0-15.1 mm;higher capacity than VCD, Elapse time: about 135 min, Resolution: 720*576,Video Standard: MPEG2 VBR.
1) DVD5: single-layer,single-side, capacity: 4.7 GB;
2) DVD9: double-layer,single-side, capacity: 8.5 GB;
3) DVD10: single-layer,double-side, capacity: 9.4 GB;
Size: 86 mm×56 mm; Center hole: 15.0-15.1 mm; Standard capacity: 26 MB forup to 3 min play time; Maximum capacity:30 MB for up to 3 min 20 sec play time.
80mm CD
Diameter: 80 mm;Center hole: 15.0-15.1 mm;Standard capacity: 200 MB for up to 22 min 30 sec play time; Maximum capacity:220 MB for up to 25 min play time.
Golden CD
The main difference between a golden CD and a common CD (also namesas silver CD) is that a Cu target is employed during sputtering instead of Altarget so that the disk displays golden color. There is no difference between agolden CD and a silver CD except the appearance.
PIT-ART graphic CD Encrypted CD All types of Stampers Printing: screen printing andoffset printing
Company Achievement
According tothe operation principle Good quality, favorable term, fast delivery and respectof copyright. BCPU is committed to provide the customers the best and fastservices at the reasonable prices. Our entire staff is working hard to providethe customers defect-free and completely satisfied products.
In the past 18years, we have built up solid partnership with our customers in audio, video,electronic publication and other fields. Our clients include China ComputerNewspaper, Motorola (China)Ltd., Shanghai Siemens Company, King Yuxing Electronic Ltd., Ladder DigitalEducation Corp., China International Television Corporation, Zoke curture, Sohu.com,Publishing House of Electronics Industry etc.
Good wish tocooperate and establish solid partnership with you!
Contact us
Add: #5 Shixing Street,Shijingshan District,Beijing,China
Tel: 086-10-88792902
Fax: 086-10-88799579
Email: bcpuxingguanbu@126.com
Official Website: http://www.bcpuod.com