Papermaking Art/ Rongbaozhai Intangible Cultural Heritage Book Series
Paper Back
2021-01-01 | ISBN: 978-7-5003-1572-8
Rights Manager: Zheng Shuo & Chen Xipan
Email: rbz63035437@163.com
Although not great in size, the writing paper can be used for poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal cutting thanks to its signature Chinese charm. Each piece of writing paper is a miniature Chinese painting. Either fresh and elegant, or simple and dignified, it adds a visual enjoyment to people's reading poems and letters. That explains why it's adored among men of letters. Rongbaozhai, located in the Liulichang Region of Beijing, China, is the best known writing paper manufacturer. Apart from the review and summary of Rongbaozhai's writing paper manufacture history by senior craftsmen, the book also envelops exquisite, eye-pleasing paper patterns.