Происхождение Пекинской оперы
Paper Back
2023-12-01 | ISBN: 978-5-6049352-8-6
Rights Manager: Lu Jun
Email: oriental_rights@outlook.com
Rooted in China’s vast and intricate cultural landscape, Peking Opera has enthralled audiences with its beautiful lyrical singing, expressive gestures and movements, an extensive repertoire, meticulous depiction of emotions, and heightened theatricality. Children’s innate curiosity and inclination towards mimicry may find particular resonance in Peking Opera’s distinct melodies, stylized movements, and vibrant costumes. This book taps into the curiosity of children and presents the origins of Peking Opera in a clear and engaging manner. presenting the origins of Peking Opera in a clear and engaging manner. By expanding their knowledge of this rich art form, the book can cultivate a lasting appreciation for traditional Chinese culture.